Photography Tips for Beginners

  So you are interested in photography, ready to start taking some amazing photographs, but you have no idea where to start. Here are some starter tips that I've came up with that have worked for me. 

1. Own what you have and make it work for you! You don’t have to have the top gear to take the best photographs. Use what you have, and make it work for you. Don't ever be ashamed of your equipment! Most photographers don't start off with the best camera or lens; they gradually build up to it. Worry more about getting the basics down first those are so much more important and you can make that cheap $500 DSLR work for you.

2. Learn the basics? Lighting, aperture, shutter speed, white balance and ISO, are some of the must know basics in photography. I too struggled with this a lot in my early career. But once you get those basics down, you’ll be able to look at your subject and know how to photograph it without even thinking about it. 

3. Camera + Settings = bff. There are all these crazy buttons and gizmos on camera why not learn them. The best way to do so is by playing with them. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve taken a stuffed animal outside and photographed it just to learn my camera settings. How to use your camera settings is what makes you unique and creative. So keep playing with them until you get a style that feels ‘right’ to you. 

4. Google it! Have a photography question you want answered right away? Google it. There is so much information online about photography. I still google and research photography information to this day. Hey, there is always room for improvement. 

5. Your new child! Treat it as though it is your child, don’t leave the house without it. You never know when something may ‘inspire’ you, to where you just HAVE To document it. Plus, the more you take photographs the better you get; amazing photography doesn't happen over night. Trust me. 

6. Speak up! Ask your family, friends, (and maybe your pet too) if you can take their photos. Most people LOVE having their photos taken and you will look for any reason to do so. Plus, you will be able to try out some cool photography techniques you’ve learned.

7. Become a tourist. I often try and look at my city in a tourist perspective. I challenge you, to do so as well. Take your camera, walk a path you’ve walked 1000xs and capture it. Capture it as though it was your first time being there, and you maybe surprised with you end up getting. Sometimes all you need to do is look at the world with fresh eyes. 

8. HAVE FUN! Learning something new can be extremely overwhelming; but that doesn't mean you can't have fun. Plan themed photo shoots with friends, read magazines, travel and get inspired.

Hopefully these tips work for you. Have any additional tips? Leave them in the comments below. 

Have a question you would like answered about photography? Email it to me and you could see it on a blog post here. :) 


  1. Thank you for the wonderful tips about photography. I have always been interested in photography and find it very fun. My mother says I'm very creative and I would be a good photographer, but I still need help and tips, so thank you. If anyone want to learning from yourself to figure out your unique photography style then check photography Tips

    1. I'm so glad that you enjoyed these tips! Keep working hard and I'm sure you will get to where you want to be in the photography industry. I'll deff have to check out what you posted, thank you so much for sharing! :)



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Meet Kendra

Weellccommmee to my blog!! I am a wedding and portrait photographer based out of SoCal and available to travel worldwide. I also LOOOOVEEEE coffee, seriously! Mayybeee a tad bit tooooo much. I have the most adorable cat named Monica. And I feel as though eating food and lounging in pajamas should be considered a past time. Beauty and the Beast alll time favorite movie hands down! Okay well this is my blog of past and present work and sometimes I post things about me. I hope you enjoy!