Why I love photographing at sunset/golden hour.

Hey Kendra,

What is your favorite time of day to take pictures and why?


To simply put it Barbara, Sunset
Seeing the sun's rich warmth, thick golden rays, and a perfectly pastel painted sky makes sunset my favorite part of the day. No matter where I am, how I feel at the moment,  I am always so captivated by the mere perfection of the days last bit of light. I swear there is nothing else in the world like it. Which is why this is my favorite time to take photos.

I will and have planned entire photo shoots around sunsets. I love how it gives everyone a natural warm glow and how, it makes a simple moment between a couple even more romantic. I feel as though, I could supply you with an endless list of reasonings as to why I love photographing at sunset. But how about I show you instead..


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Meet Kendra

Weellccommmee to my blog!! I am a wedding and portrait photographer based out of SoCal and available to travel worldwide. I also LOOOOVEEEE coffee, seriously! Mayybeee a tad bit tooooo much. I have the most adorable cat named Monica. And I feel as though eating food and lounging in pajamas should be considered a past time. Beauty and the Beast alll time favorite movie hands down! Okay well this is my blog of past and present work and sometimes I post things about me. I hope you enjoy!