#tbt Ft SoFACEticated

Dionne of So FACEticted is truely an amazing makeup artsit for any occasion. I have the pleasure of doing a stylized photoshoot with her last summer. So in honor of her brand relaunch I am going to share the session with you.

Don't forget to book Dionne from Grand Rapids, MI for "Your classy days and sophisticated nights."



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Meet Kendra

Weellccommmee to my blog!! I am a wedding and portrait photographer based out of SoCal and available to travel worldwide. I also LOOOOVEEEE coffee, seriously! Mayybeee a tad bit tooooo much. I have the most adorable cat named Monica. And I feel as though eating food and lounging in pajamas should be considered a past time. Beauty and the Beast alll time favorite movie hands down! Okay well this is my blog of past and present work and sometimes I post things about me. I hope you enjoy!